A glimpse at a fantastic planet in a distant dimension of the Universe where Draags are the dominant specie. They are very intelligent creatures who thrive for out-of-body meditative experiences. They keep Ohms, human like creatures, as pets. But when the intelligence of the Ohms rises and disrupts balance of the Draag way of life turmoil ensues. Will they find peace or will one specie become eliminated? Renè Laloux's portrayal of this truly wonder filled world is so believable. Overflowing with creativity. I love the attention given to the fine details, from a curious Draag wondering why an Ohm baby cries to the saggy boobs on the old wOhman(see what I did there?). Also worth mentioning is the soundtrack. Originally produced by Alain Goraguer, it sets a very meditative, chill, groovy vibe. Turns out this guy also composed a shit load of music for pornos in the 70's and 80's, figures. I absolutely loved everything about this feature.
So I've been unsure whether or not I wanted to include sub par movies in this blog, but after seeing that this is ranked 7.8 and in the top 500 at IMDB I had to write my thoughts. When Regina Spektor's 'Us' came on as the introduction song I immediately had higher hopes for what I initially had thought would be an ok flick. The film uses an interesting way of telling the story by jumping back and forth to random events throughout a 500 day long relationship of our two main characters. I had some laughs in the first thirty or forty minutes; the Disney shout out was hilarious. About two thirds in I realized how bored I had become. The characters were just off. It's easy to see that Summer and Tom are not right for each other, I get that this is the point of the story, but who really wants to watch that? This movie is just like any bad relationship, fun in the beginning, then drags to a boring end.